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Event - NetEuratom 1st Online Training

NetEuratom 1st Online Training on "Legal and Financial issues in Horizon Europe" 30 May 2023.

Online (teams) 10.30-12.30 CEST

Published on 30 May 2023



Horizon Europe 2021- 2027:  L&F novelties and participation rules


§  Minimum conditions for participation // Conditions for eligibility (Focus UK)

§  Overview of eligible costs (Personnel costs in the proposal, Subcontracting costs, Travel costs, Costs of other goods, works and services

§  Indirect costs

§  Costs of third parties (legal aspects)

  • Q&A

Introduction to Horizon Europe proposal development


§  Part A - System-generated, web-based, administrative forms

§  Part B - The narrative portion of the proposal

§  Focus Lump Sum (budget)

§  Q&A

Closing remarks and conclusion





Euratom National Contact Points

Training material

Slides - Templates

Trainer - Daniele Gizzi  

Daniele Gizzi, Bachelor degree and master's degree in international Relation at the University of Pisa 110/110. From the 2010 he has been working as Project Manager and European consultant for various Italian local authorities (Municipalities, Provinces, and Regions). He coordinated and worked in several international cooperation projects in Middle East, Maghreb, Balkans, East Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa financed inside Regional, National, European and International Programmes for funding such as:  IPA Cross-border, Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development (NSA-LA), European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), Creative Europe,  Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Europe for Citizens 2014-2020, Programme de Coopération Transfrontière (CT) Italie-Tunisie 2014-2020. In the framework of the various projects, he carried out activities concerning the management, the financial reporting and the communication activities. From 2013 he has overseen the coordinating the Focus Europe Association's training activities on EU Funds. He joined APRE in 2017 where has played and continues to play the role of project manager. He has been involved as responsible of the APRE activities in the following projects: MERIL-2 (data acquisition and research infrastructures mapping), RISCAPE (dissemination and communication activities), IPERION (international cooperation with CELAC countries, exploitation, communication and dissemination), BIOVOICES (coordination and management and stakeholder engagement), RICH and RICH2 (Research Infrastructures Consortium of NCPs in Horizon 2020). In Horizon Europe he is National Contact Point for Research Infrastructures and Legal&Financial and Project Coordinator of RICH Europe, the network of Horizon Europe  RIs National Contact Points.

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