Role in the NetEuratom project: APRE is responsible for coordinating activities in respect of Network Excellence, namely capacity building activities of the NCP community (mentoring sessions and trainings) under WP2 while looks after the external communication of the project (WP4).

The Comité Technique Euratom (CTE) is a French governmental body, hosted by the CEA and tasked to handle
Euratom issues. Historically responsible for assuming the roles of NCP Euratom and Euratom programme
committee’s French representatives, the CTE has been involved for many years in the negotiation, development
and consolidation of the European nuclear research policy.
With this deep understanding of the Euratom
programme context, challenges and opportunities, the CTE will bring its expertise to NetEuratom and help the
consortium communicate efficiently both towards the Euratom NCPs and the Euratom research community.

Centre for Enerfy Research (Budapest, Hungary) is to carry out basic, applied and developmental scientific research in the fields of nuclear energy, renewable energies, energy security, functional materials, nanosystems and environmental protection.
The role of the Partner (CER) in NETEURATOM project is to be part of the focused training and mentoring programs, and to participate in the brokerage and matchmaking events. In addition, CER contributes to the management of the project.
The Malta Council for Science & Technology (MCST) is the government body responsible for research policy, promoting scientific research and innovation, and implementation of national research funding programmes in Malta
Role in the NetEuratom project: MCST will be mainly be supporting delivery of WP2 Network Excellence, in the trainings and mentoring sessions as well as in the collaboration with other networks as part of WP3 Network Matchmaking.

FORTH/PRAXI Network operates in the fields of technology transfer and international cooperation addressing small and medium sized enterprises and research institutions all over Greece. Its services range from information to mediation and advisory support, covering the whole spectrum of activities related to research collaboration, technology transfer, commercial exploitation of research results and international collaboration for the promotion of the EU framework programmes in non-associated third countries.
Role in the NetEuratom project: FORTH/PRAXI Network is the coordinator of the project. It is in charge of the project coordination as well as for the network’s matchmaking activities for applicants (WP3).
Research Council of Lithuania is the main national institution providing Research & Development (R&D) funding in the country. Research Council of Lithuania provides professionalised support to Lithuanian applicants for accessing Horizon Europe programme through a portfolio of tools and services.
Role in NetEuratom: RCL will be mainly contributing to the workshops and trainings for applicants, as a means to enable their participation into the Euratom programme area. Furthermore, it contributes to the needs assesment of National Contact Points.

Technology Center Prague among other tasks supports the participation of the Czech Republic in the European Research Area. All Horizon Europe NCPs are in our organization. We are responsible for a special website on Horizon Europe programme:
In NetEuratom we are responsible for Task 2.1 NCP Assessment, and Task 3.2 Workshops and Trainings for applicants, and are included in several other tasks.